Thursday, January 31, 2013


Please see the call times in the photo. Be ready by your mic call time or if you do not have a mic then be ready by fight call time.
Milennium (Olivia) and all of those that need to be at mic check at 6:15pm are called at 5:30pm. 
Carrie - I know you can't get here right at 5:30pm and that is okay. 
I will post Sunday call times later, and a paper copy will be in the green room tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I have no idea what decisions the Coralville Center for the Performing Arts will make regarding this weather.  If you live outside of the city, it would be wise to drive in this afternoon when the roads are better/plowed/salted.  It would also be very wise to have a plan B for when rehearsal ends tonight.  Perhaps you have a friend that lives at a safer driving distance than you from the Center that might let you crash at their place if driving conditions are bad?  I have a couch and a bed in our basement and I only live 4 blocks away from the Center.  Please take all of the proper precautions, be safe, and plan ahead. - Jesse

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Costume Reminder

Remember to bring ALL costume pieces tomorrow Monday Jan 28th.

Load in

Unless people want to help Jeff Crone with lights or Mia, we don't need anyone the rest of the day unless you want to come at 7pm to help with fall call and be safeties 


Winterfest has been canceled


From Jenn:

can you post on the blog for everyone to take there time and drive carefully please. Get there when you can safely.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013