Thursday, November 29, 2012

Good News!

Good news everyone! The librettos are here! They will soon be distributed to the cast! Hooray!


A Dropbox invite has been sent out to all the cast members.  In the Dropbox you will find a script, iTunes friendly recordings, and the musical score.  Unfortunately there is a delay in receiving the librettos from MTI but they will be here soon (hopefully). Check out the blog especially the Urinetown Production Calendar on the bottom of this page and the new resource links on the right side of the page!  Subscribe by email to the Urinetown blog if you prefer updates to end up in your inbox! - The Team

P.S.  The Dropbox apps for iPhone and Android are great.  Find a good Blogger app if you don't want to read this in your phone's teeeny tiny browser.

Monday, November 26, 2012


This is the blog where I (Kathryn, the stage manager) will post the rehearsal report after each rehearsal to inform the production team as a collective group and as individuals what needs to be done, what happened in rehearsal, and other important information regarding the show. For the cast and crew the calendar will soon be added to this blog as will any changes to rehearsal time and pretty much any information you as a member  of the cast/crew need to know.  It is probably wise to regularly check this to stay updated on all things Urinetown!