Thursday, January 31, 2013


Please see the call times in the photo. Be ready by your mic call time or if you do not have a mic then be ready by fight call time.
Milennium (Olivia) and all of those that need to be at mic check at 6:15pm are called at 5:30pm. 
Carrie - I know you can't get here right at 5:30pm and that is okay. 
I will post Sunday call times later, and a paper copy will be in the green room tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I have no idea what decisions the Coralville Center for the Performing Arts will make regarding this weather.  If you live outside of the city, it would be wise to drive in this afternoon when the roads are better/plowed/salted.  It would also be very wise to have a plan B for when rehearsal ends tonight.  Perhaps you have a friend that lives at a safer driving distance than you from the Center that might let you crash at their place if driving conditions are bad?  I have a couch and a bed in our basement and I only live 4 blocks away from the Center.  Please take all of the proper precautions, be safe, and plan ahead. - Jesse

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Costume Reminder

Remember to bring ALL costume pieces tomorrow Monday Jan 28th.

Load in

Unless people want to help Jeff Crone with lights or Mia, we don't need anyone the rest of the day unless you want to come at 7pm to help with fall call and be safeties 


Winterfest has been canceled


From Jenn:

can you post on the blog for everyone to take there time and drive carefully please. Get there when you can safely.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013



Ultimately you know yourself and situation best.  Ideally you will make it.  Of course we all recognize that we in the theatre community consider tech week as close to sacrosanct as it gets.  Remember that if you are gone, it not only affects you, but slows the progress of the people working with when you return, please approach the actors/dancers/singers that missed you and ask if they would like to work their parts during down time.

Dr.'s guidelines: 
1. Stay home if you have a fever over 100.4
2. Stay home if you are vomiting.
3. If you are worried that you have a cold that is contagious, bring hand sanitizer and tissues. (Some cultures wear masks when they are ill. They help, but our culture has not adopted them:).

 Jesse's guidelines: 
1. If your voice hurts, don't use it in a way that hurts (tell your cast mates and directors that you aren't at full vocal health).
2. Drink fluids
3. Tell microbes that no means no

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

RECEPTION: Cast & Crew

Opening night there will be a reception for cast and crew. More information to follow.

COSTUME CALL: Friday Jan 25

Friday, January 25 everyone needs to be in full costume. this includes hats, shoes, anything that Mia has assigned as your costume. PLEASE WEAR THE PROPER SHOES every night for rehearsal. Thanks!

DIRECTIONS to the Shannon Barn & Bus Barn

 Here is the link to the Shannon Barn, if you follow these directions it will also lead you to the bus barn. The bus barn is the first building on the left when you turn onto 7th st.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

TICKETS, COMPS, INVITED DRESS: from Emil, Vice Chair of City Circle

Invited Brush-up Rehearsal
Cast and crew members are each entitled to two comp tickets for the Invited Brush-Up Rehearsal on Thursday, February 7 at 7:30 pm. This is ticketed event (general admission). Tickets will be distributed this coming Monday night.  Remember that Jackie Jensen of IC Pixx will be taking head shots Monday night!

Reception for Cast/Crew
The City Circle Board is planning a reception for cast/crew and audience members after one of the performances. Once the date is set, we will let you know.

Ordering Tickets
Tickets are available now by phone at 319.248.9370, online at and in person at the Coralville Center for the Performing Arts box office and the Coralville Rec Center.

Lower Student Ticket Prices
Because this show is so popular with the college and high school audience, student ticket prices are now just $12(includes the $2 ticketing fee) for all students, elementary through college. Tickets are $22 for adults, $17 for seniors and $12 for all students including college students. (includes the $2 ticketing fee).

$5 Discount for friends and family
We have a  special offer for cast and crew to share with friends and family to save $5 on tickets!  When ordering online, use promotional code UGC for a $5 discount on each adult and senior ticket purchased. There is no limit.Please pass along to your friends and family! (UGC discount code not valid on premium seats or previously purchased tickets.).

Help getting the word out
We need your help in getting people to come see this show. Invite people and talk it up on facebook and twitter. Contact your friends, family, coworkers and let them know about the show and give them the promotion code for the $5 discounts. And let your friends and family members college age or younger know about our special even-cheaper student ticket price – $12!   Word of mouth sells our shows!
Let me know if you have questions. And a big Thank You from the City Circle Board for the time and effort you’ve put into this show!
Emil Rinderspacher
Vice Chair, City Circle Board of Directors

Saturday, January 19, 2013

T-shirt money due

These are the people I need $20 from for the t-shirts by Monday.  Sunday you can give the money to Jesse and he will get it to me. If anyone else would like to order a shirt send me an email.

Joel Carver

Monday, January 7, 2013

Show t-shirts!! :)


Here is the sign up for the t-shirts please sign up as soon as you can so we can get them here before opening to help publicise our show!

Friday, January 4, 2013

CHOREOGRAPHY: What is Urinetown?

The video is unlisted on YouTube so here is the web address to access the video


We're Not Sorry has been uploaded. What is Urinetown will be up soon.

CHOREOGRAPHY: Run Freedom Run & Mr. Cladwell

Have been added.  Password the same as always.

Mr. Cladwell:

Run, Freedom, Run: