Monday, December 31, 2012

Jan 2-6th schedule posted

The schedule has been updated. Please, if you are called for a rehearsal and have a conflict you have already given to Kathryn, let us know. Thanks!

Friday, December 28, 2012

UPDATE: Saturday December 29, Cladwell Song

Saturday December 29, UGC call is at 1pm instead of 2pm
Called are:
and ALL UGC staff

BLOCKING - Snuff that Girl!

Pt 1

Pt 2.


I am still waiting confirmation on locations, but you can count on an ACT 1 stumble through that includes the entire cast starting either 6p or 7p next Wednesday and lots of choreography to follow on Thursday and Friday.  Most numbers yet to be choreographed at ALL CAST numbers.  When those numbers are choreographed, 90% of the show will be set.  Jesse will just finish up the 10% left unblocked and we'll be ready for run throughs!  NICE WORK EVERYONE!!

When Jenn gets back to me with confirmation on locations, we'll release the schedule to you.


Sketch of set:
Note that unit ends basically at proscenium line and that the apron is wide open.  There is a ramp that comes down center off of the middle corridor.  There will be a stair until coming down to stage level on stage right and stage left there is an escape stair unit leading off stage on stage left:

BLOCKING: ACT 1 Finale - Video


Pt 1:  Video failed me
UGC (including Hope and Pennywise) are up top and mostly to the right at first without Fipp-Billeaux-Millenium...Lockstock and Barrel are sort of on the stairs stage right.  

The poor are in a pod down left  next to the ramp. Bobby comes down in front of them for his solo, then the poor sing and come forward and sort of swallow bobby - so bobby is in the back of them.  Bobby then stands on something for his solo after the poor stop their first singing bit.  

For Cladwell's solo he gets center up top with everyone flanking him to the left and right.   Fipp, Billeaux, Millenium all join them up top for his solo on his left.  

Pt. 2 (ran out of space on VIMEO, had to use YouTube):

Thursday, December 27, 2012

UPDATE: Look At The Sky added Ensemble Assignment

These chorus members have been added to Look At The Sky:

Elizabeth Ross
Danielle Paulsen
Alicia Weidner
Noel VanDenBosch 

Thursday, December 20, 2012


[I did send out an email saying rehearsal was cancelled at 4:30p, but I forgot to hit the submit button on the sorry...I hope everyone got the email!!!]

Rehearsal is cancelled tonight; December 20th.  Cladwell's Song will be the emphasis of Saturday, December 29th's rehearsal.  According to Fawn, the number is Cladwell being backed up by the chorus.  Fawn will try her best to work with Larry before the 29th so that there can be an emphasis on the chorus that day.  Stay warm and safe! - jj


The SCHEDULE through Dec. 30 is finalized and posted on the bottom of the blog.  Save this calendar link if you'd like to bookmark's always up to date (press Agenda for easier reading and don't forget to read the description): 

Please try and be there if you can, we worked really hard (hours pouring over confilcts) on this calendar to try and get the most out of who is available over the holidays (your name may be listed in the call even if we know you can't be there).  There are more weekend rehearsals than usual and Chris is ready to join us as choreographer for Run Freedom Run!

Re: WEATHER:  Stay tuned to the blog.  I will ALWAYS you know an hour before rehearsal what the plan of action is during inclement weather.  

Some of are ill.  Get better.  Those of you that aren't ill, kiss the people that are ill and get it now instead of later (just kidding...kinda).  :)  Happy Holidays!!!

Steve:  Welcome to the cast, you may want to read some of the earlier blog posts as it covers how a cast member should use the blog/resources linked on the blog.  Let us know if you have any questions reading the calendar!! - jj

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Production Meeting - Tuesday Dec 18

Jeff M.
Jeff C.

now through Jan 6th - Finish up choreography
Jan 7-12 - Finish up blocking, work music and dance
Jan 13-19 - Act stumble throughs and polishing music and dance
Jan 17-19 - Act run throughs
Jan 20-26 - All show runs with notes after. Only stopping when absolutely needed
Jan 27-31 - Tech Week
Wed Jan 16 - orchestra and cast rehearsal, Cast off book by this time

We need to confirm with CCPA that we can move the upright piano on and off stage every night for two weeks

There will be NO invited dress rehearsal

as of now Thursday Feb 7, there will be a brush up

Tech schedule:
Sunday Jan 27 - load in and possibly begin cue to cues
Monday Jan 28 - Cue to cue
Tuesday Jan 29 - First dress rehearsal, start dressing at 5:30 in green room/dressing room area
Wednesday Jan 30 - Run show
Thursday Jan 31 - Run show
Friday Feb 1 - Opening night

Next Production Meeting: Tuesday Jan 8, 8:30

Rehearsal Report #?-Monday Dec 17 & Tues Dec 18

Blocking Lockstock and Sally
Act 1 Finale full cast
Blocking Bobby and Hope
Cladwell number

Music note: measure 179 count two, half rest is now a Grand Pause to avoid a train wreck

Choreography note: in the PDF script page 37, where Bobby's music starts is where Fawn should pick up with choreography

Prelude and Urinetown blocking and singing
I was a bad stage manager and forgot to write the minutes...

Blocking note: Sam and Valerie as couple on the street during overture

Monday, December 17, 2012

SNUFF THAT GIRL! - Choreography

Hot Blades Harry:  Follow Kat in purple.  She filled in for you.  Sydney also has a lot of the same choreography as you.  There are some moments that are "freestyle" as well.  

Hope:  You are in the chair.  

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Dec. 23 Rehearsal

Location likely to change to City Circle shed.  Please keep an eye on the calendar description and we will update it with an address/directions.  It's just a blocking rehearsal, so no need for piano!

TBD rehearsal are going to get filled in soon, so please watch out for those.  We are going to try and utilize fridays and weekends a little bit more than usual so that we can  enjoy our holidays!  Thanks, Chris, Fawn, Jeff, and Ken for taking over the rehearsals while I'll be gone on holiday so that we don't lose ground!  Everyone involved is the best...I said it!

Continue breaking legs, Christmas Carol and Annie folks! - jj


  • Sam, Mr. McQueen, please follow Fawn during the bunny part through 'til getting electrocuted on the chair.  After she stands from the chair, Fawn is playing Hope who had to leave just before we recorded this.
  • Joel (Barrel) follow Lockstock
  • Robert (Fipp) follow what the rest of the chorus is doing.
  • Barrel, Fipp, and Mcqueen follow Fawn/rest of the cast
  • Those that could not be there:
Tiny Tom
Little Sally
Little Becky Two Shoes
Hot Blades Harry

Please follow Fawn/rest of cast

Don't remember the password to watch these videos?  It's the name of the dude we 'hail' to at the end of the caps.  Or gmail us at urinetownCC and we'll get it to you.
If you are having trouble watching these on an android device, download the VIMEO app, create an acct. and follow us 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

UPDATE: Rehearsal Reports

Rehearsal Reports are linked on the right so they can all stay in one document.  That document is located in the Urinetown gmail Google Drive for updating.  Here is the link if you would like it:
*Need to add past rehearsal reports to the document so it's a complete centralized resource.

Rehearsal Schedule Updated through New Years

If you see an * in the call on the calendar, then there is more information in the description.  As always, click into the calendar item to read more details about that rehearsal and to get ENDING TIMES of the rehearsal called.  Can't figure out a way for it to just list ending times.

I will do my best to finalize the TBD nights as soon as possible.

Check out the twitter feed for pics and video of rehearsal.  Feel free to share them with your friends.  Never too early to be talking up the show with your friends.  Link to Twitter feed on the right of the blog.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

UPDATE: Ensemble Assignments

Elizabeth Ross
Danielle Paulsen  
Alicia Weidner 

Noel VanDenBosch 

Have been added to "What is Urinetown" Act 2.  Changes were updated on earlier post as well.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Ensemble Assignments/Costuming List

NOTE THAT SOME ASSIGNMENTS HAVE SLIGHTLY CHANGED FOR REHEARSAL THIS WEEK.  UGC Staff is much smaller for Don't Be the Bunny.  Priv to Pee changed just slightly in who is called (Josephine was incorrectly called as she appears later).  

Ensemble assignments:
There is the Poor and there is the Gang.  The Gang is a smaller version of the Poor, so know that there is a distinction between the poor and the gang.

UGC Staff is not as big for Bunny after Cladwell's Song.  Can't be, because I need the poor in the Act 1 finale.

Pre-show/Overture/Too Much Exposition/Urinetown/Privilege to Pee POOR:
(comprehensive list of anyone that will need a poor costume for ensemble)
Soupy Sue
Tiny Tom
Billy Boy Bill
Little Sally
Little Becky Two-shoes
Hot Blades Harry
Serena Collins, "Bobby's little sister perhaps?"
Joseph "Old Man" Strong
Elizabeth Ross - quick costume change
Danielle Paulsen - quick costumes change
Alicia Weidner - Quick costume changes 
Noel VanDenBosch - quick costume changes
Mary Fessler - No longer poor after "Urinetown" Act 1
No Josephine, but she is in the poor (Josephine appears later)

Mr. Cladwell's Song UGC STAFF: 
(comprehensive list of anyone that will need a UGC costume for ensemble)
Mrs. Millenium
Elizabeth Ross - quick costume cahnge
Danielle Paulsen - quick costumes change
Alicia Weidner - Quick costume changes
Noel VanDenBosch - quick costume changes

Cop Song COPS
(Cop Costumes)

Look at the Sky POOR:
Soupy Sue
Tiny Tom
Billy Boy Bill
Little Sally
Little Becky Two-shoes,
Hot Blades Harry,
Serena Collins,
Josephine "Old Ma" Strong

Elizabeth Ross 
Danielle Paulsen 
Alicia Weidner 
Noel VanDenBosch 

Don't Be the Bunny UGC STAFF:
Mrs. Millenium

Act One Finale POOR
Soupy Sue
Tiny Tom
Billy Boy Bill
Little Sally
Little Becky Two-shoes,
Hot Blades Harry,
Serena Collins,
Josephine "Old Ma" Strong
Elizabeth Ross - quick costume change
Danielle Paulsen - quick costumes change
Alicia Weidner - Quick costume changes X3
Noel VanDenBosch - quick costume changes

One Act Finale UGC STAFF:
Mrs. Millenium
Lockstock Barrell

"What is Urinetown!" POOR
Soupy Sue
Tiny Tom
Billy Boy Bill
Little Sally
Little Becky Two-shoes,
Hot Blades Harry,
Elizabeth Ross - quick costume change
Danielle Paulsen - quick costumes change
Alicia Weidner - Quick costume changes X3
Noel VanDenBosch - quick costume changes
Elizabeth, Danielle, Alicia, Noel exit after What is Urinetown

No Josephine
No Serena

Snuff that Girl GANG
Soupy Sue
Tiny Tom
Billy Boy Bill
Little Sally
Little Becky Two-shoes,
Hot Blades Harry,
No Josephine
No Serena

Run Freedom Run POOR
Soupy Sue
Tiny Tom
Billy Boy Bill
Little Sally
Little Becky Two-shoes,
Hot Blades Harry,
Serena Collins,
Josephine "Old Ma" Strong
Elizabeth Ross - quick costume change
Danielle Paulsen - quick costumes change
Alicia Weidner - Quick costume changes X3
Noel VanDenBosch - quick costume changes

We're Not Sorry POOR
Soupy Sue
Tiny Tom
Billy Boy Bill
Little Sally
Little Becky Two-shoes,
Hot Blades Harry,
Serena Collins,
Josephine "Old Ma" Strong
Elizabeth Ross - quick costume change
Danielle Paulsen - quick costumes change
Alicia Weidner - Quick costume changes X3
Noel VanDenBosch - quick costume changes
& Rest of Company

I See a River POOR:
Soupy Sue
Tiny Tom
Billy Boy Bill
Little Sally
Little Becky Two-shoes,
Hot Blades Harry,
Serena Collins,
Josephine "Old Ma" Strong
Elizabeth Ross - quick costume change
Danielle Paulsen - quick costumes change
Alicia Weidner - Quick costume changes X3
Noel VanDenBosch - quick costume changes
& Rest of Company

Friday, December 7, 2012

COP SONG Choreography 12/6/12

Sharing video MAH00592

Barrell:  Follow Kat in pink. She filled in for you.

Production Meeting - Dec 4


  • Production team contracts will be 5:30-6:00 Sunday, Dec 9 before read through
  • 6:00-9:30 go over rules, contracts, etc with cast and crew. Then crew is released and cast will have read through.
  • Tuesday rehearsal in sancuary and fireside room
  • Sunday (16th) Sancuary confirmed
  • Sunday, Ken gets key from Liz Tracey
  • Monday, Ken gives key to Jeff Mead
  • Wednesday, Jeff gives key to Fawn
  • Sunday, Fawn gives key to Kathryn
  • Sunday, actors in A Christmas Carol have been excused from load in.
Stage Manager
  • Ken will fill in for Kat, Monday and Wednesday
  • Confirm costume resources: Washington Community Theatre, West High Theatre West, University of Iowa
  • Talk to Nate, schedule a meeting to go over sketches and set design.
  • Nate Jedrzejewski will be sound designer

NEXT PRODUCTION MEETING: Tuesday, Dec 18  8:30-9:30 @ The Church

Rehearsal Schedule Dec 10-16

Schedule has been up since Wednesday in case you havent noticed.

Who is called as Poor, Gang, UGC Staff will be listed in the description.  Let us know if we missed anything.

Working on the gaunlet of conflicts for the week after and the holidays.

My solution for making up for lost time will be to take advantage of your time when Annie Carol is out of tech.  I'll be calling big group stuff to block while dance is happening in the basement

Great week of rehearsal everyone!   jj

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas/New Years

There will be no rehearsals Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and nothing on New Years Eve or New Years Day.  We may have to squeeze out some unconventional times for rehearsals so that no too much time is lost.  We are imagining returning to smaller scene/song work for the time surrounding those dates.

UPDATE: Privilege to Pee

Tuesday's Privilege to Pee schedule will still as is.  Pennywise will have to leave prior to her commitment at 7p, but work with the poor on dance may continue.  Pennywise has already worked with Jeff on her parts for Priv to Pee.  This will be a good time for Jeff to focus on the Chorus in that number.

We missed putting a conflict on the calendar for Pennywise.  With all the conflicts we are inputing, that is likely to happen.  Please comment on the blog or write the team at urinetownCC's gmail.

Thanks for keeping Kat updated on your ongoing conflicts.  If you get a new conflicts or lose an old one, let us know.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Rehearsal Report #2 - Dec 5

Run Freedom Run - Ben
Cop Song - Per
Mr. Cladwell - Larry
Don't Be the Bunny - Larry
Act 1 Finale - Larry

Attendance -
Ben Alley
Per Wiger
Larry Newman

Music: Measures 200A-200D have been cut from "Mr. Cladwell."
Dance: "Mr. Cladwell" number can now be choreographed from the recording

Tuesday Privilege To Pee Rehearsal

Tuesday Dec 11, Privilege To Pee rehearsal will be rescheduled, stay tuned for updates.

Rehearsal Report #1 - Dec 4

Warm ups
Follow Your Heart - Raquel and Ben
Follow Your Heart Reprise - Raquel
I See a River - Raquel
Snuff That Girl - Mike

Raquel Loya
Ben Alley
Mike Nelson

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hit the Ground Run Freedom Run...

Hey Cast!
Super excited to get started!  We have to hit the ground running because the rehearsal schedule ended up falling a bit behind.  There have been some snags securing a production team which put auditions on the wrong side of Thanksgiving and the librettos were delayed partly due to a certain hurricane.  It simply means that we will have to depend on this cast to get us feeling like we've caught up and after the auditions I'm certain this will be the case.  So, through all the fun we'll have to be focused and  efficient...but still, lots of fun.

Such focus and efficiency will be needed on our side as well.  I hate to waste your time.  You're volunteering it.  Our Stage Manager, Kat (here by known as 'the ninja') has taken all of your conflicts, input them in our google calendar, and color coded them all by individuals.  That's 30+ individuals.  It's a sight to behold and its visual display of conflicts in color blocks makes it much easier for us to target rehearsals based on your availability.  If you are not needed, we will try and make sure you are not called.  If you are called and not needed anymore, Kat has been directed to let you know to skedaddle.  If you feel you should be able to skedaddle, but haven't told to skedaddle, whisper to Kat and she'll verify your skedaddle status.

Keep in mind that we have not settled on who exactly are the Cops, UGC Staff, and part of the poor at any given time because it will be fluid; some of you will be on the scene prior a UGC staff for example and not be able to be in the poor scene immediately afterward.  Please be patient with this.  It's an ensemble show which allows everyone one of us to be playing the bad guys in one scene and the good guys in the next.  Finalizing these group scene characters will be a top priority, but will change if anyone drops out of the show or we discover that there is a logistical barrier like example in the first sentence after the semi-improperly used semi-colon.

I'm ready to get going with a few song and dance rehearsals next week (as we said in the audition announcement and on the audition form).  They are listed in the calendar below (you'll need to be in web version not mobile version of site in order to see it if you're using a phone browser).

In the Calendar, you click on an event and get more details like ending time, location, and if there will sometimes be some useful information in the description.  PLEASE LET US KNOW IF THIS CALENDAR IS EVER NOT WORKING OR CAUSING FRUSTRATIONS IMMEDIATELY.  We will aim to have two weeks of rehearsal calls projected on the calendar.

Remember to "Follow by Email" on the right if you prefer this lands in your inbox.

On with the Show!



P.S.  Please make sure not to delete things in the Dropox.  Copy and Paste only, please.

Rehearsal Schedule Dec. 3-8

Calendar is always up to date below.  Note you'll have to be in 'web version' not 'mobile verson' of site in order to see the calendar if you're using a phone/iPod Touch browser.

[S] = Singing Rehearsal
[D]= Dance Rehearsal
If it is not distinguished with an S or D then you're working blocking or the whole shebang with Jesse.

We are trying to catch up on conflicts and juggle the holidays, so be patient as we try to project a calendar further into the future.  We do tend to forget to think fourth-dimensionally.  

More on Public Calendars if you love to read this stuff:

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Good News!

Good news everyone! The librettos are here! They will soon be distributed to the cast! Hooray!


A Dropbox invite has been sent out to all the cast members.  In the Dropbox you will find a script, iTunes friendly recordings, and the musical score.  Unfortunately there is a delay in receiving the librettos from MTI but they will be here soon (hopefully). Check out the blog especially the Urinetown Production Calendar on the bottom of this page and the new resource links on the right side of the page!  Subscribe by email to the Urinetown blog if you prefer updates to end up in your inbox! - The Team

P.S.  The Dropbox apps for iPhone and Android are great.  Find a good Blogger app if you don't want to read this in your phone's teeeny tiny browser.

Monday, November 26, 2012


This is the blog where I (Kathryn, the stage manager) will post the rehearsal report after each rehearsal to inform the production team as a collective group and as individuals what needs to be done, what happened in rehearsal, and other important information regarding the show. For the cast and crew the calendar will soon be added to this blog as will any changes to rehearsal time and pretty much any information you as a member  of the cast/crew need to know.  It is probably wise to regularly check this to stay updated on all things Urinetown!