Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hit the Ground Run Freedom Run...

Hey Cast!
Super excited to get started!  We have to hit the ground running because the rehearsal schedule ended up falling a bit behind.  There have been some snags securing a production team which put auditions on the wrong side of Thanksgiving and the librettos were delayed partly due to a certain hurricane.  It simply means that we will have to depend on this cast to get us feeling like we've caught up and after the auditions I'm certain this will be the case.  So, through all the fun we'll have to be focused and  efficient...but still, lots of fun.

Such focus and efficiency will be needed on our side as well.  I hate to waste your time.  You're volunteering it.  Our Stage Manager, Kat (here by known as 'the ninja') has taken all of your conflicts, input them in our google calendar, and color coded them all by individuals.  That's 30+ individuals.  It's a sight to behold and its visual display of conflicts in color blocks makes it much easier for us to target rehearsals based on your availability.  If you are not needed, we will try and make sure you are not called.  If you are called and not needed anymore, Kat has been directed to let you know to skedaddle.  If you feel you should be able to skedaddle, but haven't told to skedaddle, whisper to Kat and she'll verify your skedaddle status.

Keep in mind that we have not settled on who exactly are the Cops, UGC Staff, and part of the poor at any given time because it will be fluid; some of you will be on the scene prior a UGC staff for example and not be able to be in the poor scene immediately afterward.  Please be patient with this.  It's an ensemble show which allows everyone one of us to be playing the bad guys in one scene and the good guys in the next.  Finalizing these group scene characters will be a top priority, but will change if anyone drops out of the show or we discover that there is a logistical barrier like example in the first sentence after the semi-improperly used semi-colon.

I'm ready to get going with a few song and dance rehearsals next week (as we said in the audition announcement and on the audition form).  They are listed in the calendar below (you'll need to be in web version not mobile version of site in order to see it if you're using a phone browser).

In the Calendar, you click on an event and get more details like ending time, location, and if there will sometimes be some useful information in the description.  PLEASE LET US KNOW IF THIS CALENDAR IS EVER NOT WORKING OR CAUSING FRUSTRATIONS IMMEDIATELY.  We will aim to have two weeks of rehearsal calls projected on the calendar.

Remember to "Follow by Email" on the right if you prefer this lands in your inbox.

On with the Show!



P.S.  Please make sure not to delete things in the Dropox.  Copy and Paste only, please.

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