Friday, December 28, 2012

BLOCKING: ACT 1 Finale - Video


Pt 1:  Video failed me
UGC (including Hope and Pennywise) are up top and mostly to the right at first without Fipp-Billeaux-Millenium...Lockstock and Barrel are sort of on the stairs stage right.  

The poor are in a pod down left  next to the ramp. Bobby comes down in front of them for his solo, then the poor sing and come forward and sort of swallow bobby - so bobby is in the back of them.  Bobby then stands on something for his solo after the poor stop their first singing bit.  

For Cladwell's solo he gets center up top with everyone flanking him to the left and right.   Fipp, Billeaux, Millenium all join them up top for his solo on his left.  

Pt. 2 (ran out of space on VIMEO, had to use YouTube):

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